Lawmakers put mixed view on government’s policies, budget «

Lawmakers put mixed view on government’s policies, budget

Lawmakers have put their mixed view on the government’s policies, programmes and budget for the next fiscal year, 2023/24 BS. Some of them praised that they had many good programmes while others termed them unbalanced ones.

They were taking part in a ‘general’ deliberation on the annual estimation of the government’s revenues and expenditures for the next FY in today’s meeting of the House of Representatives. On the occasion, Roshan Karki termed the budget as ambitious despite having had some positive programmes. It could not bring programmes for the upliftment of women and backward communities, he criticised. Similarly, Mahendra Bahadur Shahi claimed that there was not coherence between the government’s policies, programmes and budget.

Budget is unbalanced. “There is not coherence between the government’s policies, programmes and budget. It seems budget has been distributed unevenly under the influence of ministers and those people in power. This trend should be stopped,” he said. Similarly, Shishir Khanal said the budget has failed to bring effective programmes to improve economy. Meanwhile, Prakash Adhikari stressed the need for the government to resolve the issues including that of citizenship bill. He was attending today’s HoR meeting.

Similarly, Prabhu Sah stressed the need for not expanding the tax ceiling that would affect farmers stating that the main challenge of the country is economic scarcity.
