Mukesh will be declared martyr: Minister Modi «

Mukesh will be declared martyr: Minister Modi

sfe|]knf~rf]s, @* j}zfv M dGqL df]bL lgwg x’g’ePsf ag]kf gu/kflnsf–* sf d’s]z sfo:yk|lt >4f~hln dGtJo JoQm ug'{x’Fb} ;ª3Lo dfldnf tyf ;fdfGo k|zf;gdGqL cdgnfn df]bL . sfe|]knf~rf]ssf] ag]kfdf hgcfGbf]ng @)^@÷)^# sf qmddf ;’/IffsdL{sf] uf]nL nflu 3fOt] x’Fbf !$ jif{sf] sfo:y !* jif{b]lv cw{r]t cj:yfdf pkrf//t x’g’x’GYof] . pxfFsf] lxhf] ;fFem lgwg ePsf] xf] . tl:a/M /fhs’df/ k/fh’nL÷/f;;