Cold wave claims two in Dhanusha and Saptari
Two people died in Dhanusha and Saptari due to the cold waves. The temperature has sharply dropped in the southern plain for the past couple of days. The deceased have been identified as Samundri Devi Yadav, 60, 0f Dhanusha, Bireswornath municipality-5, and Devnarayan Thakur, 65, of Saptari, Mahadeva rural municipality-4. Yadav breathed his last while undergoing treatment at Janakpurdham-based provincial hospital, shared District Coordination Committee chief Ramdev Yadav. Likewise, Thakur died on the way to the hospital for treatment, informed the vice-chairperson of the rural municipality, Mamata Yadav. Four local level governments of Dhanusha have announced holidays for schools with the rise in the cold wave. Issuing separate notice, Bireswornath municipality, Nigerian municipality, Mukhiyapatti rural municipality, and Laxminiya rural municipality announced school holiday after an abrupt drop in mercury.