Demand of rights in ‘chhoriPanchayat’
At the first ChhoriPanchayat programme held in Bohre village of Kavrerplanchok, girls have demanded social, economic and political rights. Sunil Jaglan, who raised the voice of women’s rights from India, organised the ChhoriPanchayat in a very interesting way to start the fight for the rights of girls in Nepal, in which apart from school girls, women from nearby villages also participated.
At the end of the Panchayat a collective resolution was taken that those who marry girls before the age of 20 should be punished with 3 years’ imprisonment with a fine of Rs 5 lakh. Along with this there should be a provision of fine and a punishment for the people involved in it. Also girls should be given equal social, economic and political rights.
Various International organizations have considered Sunil Jaglan’s campaign as the basis for positive change for girl empowerment. Selfie with Daughter campaign was launched in Nepal on 9th June 2021. This campaign was very much liked by many and its video on TikTok was liked by 170 million. Three best selfies with daughters were given a prize of Rs. 21000, 11000 and 5100, respectively.
Sunil Jaglan said,”we are trying to increase awareness of the rights of girls in Nepal and make men realize that they should give up the evil practice of snatching their rights”.
Besides Ram Devi Tamang, Deputy Mayor of Namo Buddha Municipality, Sunil Nanda, Rabi Raj Thapa, senior advisors of Selfie with Daughter Foundation, Bikram Shrestha founder of Internet Foundation of Nepal, KalpanaShrestha and Santosh Coordinators of SelfieWith Daughter Foundation participated in ChhoriPanchayat.