Nepal and Northeast India economic partnership

Nepal and Northeastern states of India are planning to start economic cooperation institutionally.
During ‘India-Nepal Economic Partnership Summit’ organised at Gangtok in Sikkim on Friday to deepen regional and sub-regional economic cooperation, experts urged to work on various level of cooperation to strengthen the ties. They also discussed on easing the current barriers in free flow of goods and people.
Progress Harmony for Development Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PHDCCI), under aegis of its India-Nepal Centre (INC) / State Development Council (SDC) and in association with the Embassy of Nepal in New Delhi, organised ‘India-Nepal Economic Partnership Summit’ on Friday at Gangtok of Sikkim state, to explore the trade and investment opportunities and to participate in the economic development of both India’s Northeast region and Nepal.
The summit focused on the sectors where India-Nepal co-operation can be further boosted through proactive and sublime ‘East Connection’ to achieve the desired goals for Nepal’s economic development –Tourism; Agriculture and Food Processing, Energy, Infrastructure, Healthcare, Education, Skill Development and Start-ups and Services.
The summit hosted some of the key policy-makers, who significantly influence the decision-making of the region. It hosted two-ways investment opportunities between Sikkim and Nepal through sensitising the industry captains and investors to come in term with the strong possibilities that both the places offer unwaveringly for businesses and investments.
While speaking at the summit as Chief Guest in the inauguration, Chief Minister of Sikkim Prem Singh Tamang shared his perspectives on the opportunities that are at place and about the need of having the collaborative efforts, for making a framework of comprehensive regional and sub-regional economic co-operation.
Likewise, Nepali ambassador to India Nilambar Acharya, on the occasion, pointed on the sectors where India-Nepal co-operation can be further boosted through proactive and sublime ‘East Connection’ to achieve the desired goals for economic development of various sectors.
Economic Minister at the Embassy of Nepal in New Delhi Krishna Hari Pushkar urged the investors to Indian investors in Nepal, whereas the Chief Secretary of Sikkim Alok Srivastava, on the occasion, gave an overview of Sikkim’s developmental profile and policies which are progressive and supportive to the businesses. Similarly, Additional Chief Secretary at the Department of Commerce and Industries, Government of Sikkim Thomas Chandy welcomed the Nepali entrepreneurs’ to engage with Sikkim and start a new chapter of collaboration in particularly two areas; Tourism and Organic Farming.
Likewise, Prof Mahendra P Lama, member of the EPG on Nepal-India Relations, touched on historical and contemporary facts that are crucial for further expansion of economic cooperation between Sikkim and Nepal.
MD and CEO of Nepal SBI Bank Ltd Anukool Bhatnagar, on the occasion, outlined on the financing facilities available in Nepal for doing business.
Chairman at the India-Nepal Centre under PHDCCI and India’s former ambassador to Nepal K V Rajan shared his reflections on the need of institutionalising the socio-cultural goodwill and shared ties between India and Nepal for accelerating the economic cooperation.
The PHDCCI has been closely working with the Government of Nepal and the leading industry bodies of Nepal.
Charing the summit’s first Technical Session ‘Promoting Industry in Nepal: Revisiting Bilateral Trade Policies, Expanding Sub-regional Cooperation, Border Area Development, MSMEs, Destination Sikkim, SAARC, BBIN”, ambassador K V Rajan explained the opportunity for both the countries. Counsellor (Economic) at the Embassy of Nepal in New Delhi Tirtha Poudel, former MP at the Lok Sabha of Sikkim and Leader of SDF P D Rai, secretary at the Department of Information and Public Relations Sherap Shenga, Vice Chancellor at the ICFAI University of Sikkim Dr Jagganath Patnaik, Dean at the Central Agriculture University of Sikkim Dr P P Dabral, former Chief Secretary at the Andhra Pradesh and also Former Principal Secretary and Advisor of GTA, Former MLA of Darjeeling Trilok Dewan and Tourism Advisor of Government of Sikkim Raj Basu took active part in the first session.
The concluding session on ‘Policy Reforms and Ease of Doing Business in Nepal: Sectoral Possibilities in Nepal, Channelising Investment (both-ways) for Industrial Development in Nepal and Northeast (with special reference to Sikkim)’ moderated by Atul K Thakur, Deputy Secretary and Coordinator, SDC / India-Nepal Centre, PHDCCI, witnessed Bikas Rauniar, Executive Director, Interstate Multi-Modal Transport (P) Ltd and Fleet Logistics (P) Ltd, Dr Panu Pazo, International Trade Expert, Col Mani Gahatraj, Consultant – Infrastructure, Gayatri Rai, Educationist, Abhimanyu Dhakal, Agri and Food Processing Entrepreneur, and Editor of Karobar National Economic Daily — the media partner of the summit — summed up the session by proposing to establish a joint Special Economic Zone (SEZ) and a Haat Bazaar at the border so that the investors and farmers from across the border can take benefit.
Photograph: Bikas Rauniyar/PHDCCI