Labour audit in government and private hospitals: Minister Bista «

Labour audit in government and private hospitals: Minister Bista

Minister for Labour, Employment and Social Security, Gokarna Bista, has said that labour audit of government and private hospitals as well as clinics would be done within one and half months.
Addressing the programme organised by Nepal Nursing Association on the occasion of International Nursing Day here on Sunday, Minister Bista said that the labour audit is to be done in order to get information whether or not nurses, health workers and other workers working in this sector have got service and facilities determined by Labour Act as well as to book such hospitals not providing service and facilities.
The Ministry has done labour audit of 123 institutions of the country so far. Saying not getting the minimum service and facilities in health sector determined by Labour Act was unfortunate, he expressed the belief that the labour audit would help to end it.
The Labour Minister further said that the social security programme based on contribution should be implemented in all sectors effectively. There are some 87,000 nurses in Nepal, according to the Nepal Nursing Council. Of them, around 8,000 are in government services.
The United Nations recently honoured Nepal Nursing Association after highly appreciating contribution of Nepali nurses in search, rescue and treatment after devastating Gorkha earthquake.
Similarly, Chair of Nepal Nursing Association, Prof Tara Pokharel said that demands of government nurses have not been addressed in employ adjustment and added that there is no criteria on the number of patients to be looked after by a nurse.
