Financial dependency behind VAW: Province Minister Pun «

Financial dependency behind VAW: Province Minister Pun


Kaski– Gandaki Province Minister for Social Development Naradevi Pun has said the violence against women was growing because of women’s financial dependency on others. 
During a press conference organized on the occasion of the 16th day campaign on VAW, Minister Pun argued that women would continue suffering violence until they become financially able and independent. “It is the same cause of financial paucity they face various sorts of mental and physical tortures,” she asserted. 
According to her, vocational and skill oriented trainings could boost their capacity to be self reliant. Such training helps change their life style. 
A survey on the need of training was being conducted through the mobile App on self entrepreneurship, she said, sharing that the ministry she is heading has allocated Rs 43 million for the self entrepreneurship programme. 
